Alecia Renece The Artist
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Black Girl Creative: A Love Letter to Black Woman Creators, Makers & Dreamers

Your creativity is sacred. It’s a gift from your Creator to enjoy, to heal, commune and share with others.

This Love letter and manifesto is here to help you to recover and reclaim those dreams, and to empower you to continue to create.

What does it mean to be a creative Black woman?

We’re all recovering something we lost. Perhaps we lost our way, our identity, our dreams, our selves.

We’re all healing from something that was broken. Maybe our hearts were broken, our hopes, our spirit.

I believe as Black women we are inherently creative. We’ve been gifted with the ability to find our way back to the Truth, our way back to Healing, our way back to ourselves and our Creator through Creativity, Community, Storytelling and Healing.

Let's Start the journey back home.


Black Girl Creative (Paperback, Audiobook & Kindle)

If you enjoy the real feel of a bound book, the sound of someone reading to you or prefer to have your copy on your Kindle, get your copy here!

Black Girl Creative Wearables

To celebrate the second edition release of Black Girl Creative, I have created some Black Girl Creative wearables!

Black Girl Creative (E-Book)

If you prefer to download an e-book version of Black Girl Creative to your computer, phone or tablet, you can do that here!

 Black Girl Creative

Giving Black women permission to Set themselves Free, Dream big, Live fully, Create authentically and Love themselves for who they truly are.

What is Black Girl Creative?


Black Girl Creative is Giving Black women permission to Set themselves Free, Dream big, Live fully, Create authentically and Love themselves for who they truly are by

  • Inviting Black women to play, experiment and co-create

  • Guiding Black women through self recovery to self kindness and self-love

  • Empowering Black women to live a joy-filled and free life.

We’re all Creative… sometimes we just forget…

We were born with creativity and imagination surging through your being. We believed anything was possible… until we were told it wasn’t.

…maybe it was a child who made fun of you…

…a parent who didn’t approve of you…

…a loved one you saw fail and be ridiculed…

…friends who didn’t get you…

…someone told you that you needed a “real job”…

Somewhere along the way, we questioned the validity, importance and possibility of the dreams that light us up, keep us up at night… the ones we’re afraid to tell anybody about.

Your Creativity, Your Dreams, Your Self are all sacred.

They’re a gift from your Creator to enjoy, to heal, commune and share with others.

Let Me Help You Recover Those Dreams.

Our mission here at Black Girl Creative is to help you to recover and reclaim your dreams, and to empower you to continue to create, dream more and carry them out.

We believe in reclaiming and owning our God-given Creativity and Dreams. They are revolutionary tools that have the power to heal our own spirit, soul and body and those of others.

Let’s journey through Fear together into Courage. Let’s learn to dream big again and to put some action behind the dreams God gifted us. Let’s use these dreams for Him, ourselves, but also for the greater good of others.

Your dreams, creativity and ideas are not a bad thing. Black Girl Creative is here to help you!

I help you Recover Yourself & Reclaim Your Dreams by…


Inviting you to play, guiding you through self recovery, and empowering you to live a joy filled life.


The 5 Black Girl Creative Pillars

  • Creativity

    • We believe that we are all creative because God is creative; whether you create a meal, a lesson, a home, a child, a painting… we all have the gift to create.

    • We believe Play and Fun are the best ways to rescue your inner child and give yourself the permission you need to create and dream freely

    • We offer workshops, classes and journeys to learn new skills, hobbies and to try what you’re interested in

    • We believe that Creativity isn’t just for ourselves, but also for others.

  • Community

    • Community is freeing, healing and necessary for Black Women.

    • We believe that having a safe place to unburden, be all of yourself and to commune with like minded people is key to healing the recovering creative.

    • Through workshops, cohorts, classes and community groups, we aim to build and foster healthy community with Black Women

    • We believe in community over competition, so we don’t hesitate to celebrate and uplift our sisters. No matter the age, medium, experience or background, all are welcome here.

  • Storytelling

    • Storytelling has always been an integral part of our heritage.

    • We continue to create and share space for Black Women Creatives to share their stories and their art with us and the world.

    • We believe in creating platforms for Black Women, made by Black Women.

    • We believe in empowering and teaching Black Women to tell their own stories through all of their mediums.

    • We believe every story is impactful and important. We encourage Black women to use their creative gifts to write a new story that honors the future they would like to see..

    • We champion them to create the “table” for themselves and other Black women instead of waiting to be invited, through courses, literature and media.

    • Our Podcast, Black Girl Creative, champions, celebrates and uplifts Black Women Creatives by allowing them to share their voices, stories and creativity with the world.

  • Holistic Well Being

    • We believe that before becoming free enough to create art, movements, and personal projects, we must heal.

    • We address holistic healing of the spirit, soul and body, through community talks, workshops, exercises and challenges that feed and nourish the whole person.

    • While we are not licensed therapists, we believe that therapy is beneficial for everyone. With therapy and creativity, we hope to be able to free the recovering creative in all of us.

  • Giving & Generosity

    • We believe that what we have is enough to impact and change the world.

    • We receive with open arms and an open and expectant heart.

    • We believe in abundant thinking and living.

    • We create safe spaces for all to thrive and give whenever possible.


We're all creative. Sometimes we just forget.

Journey w/ Alecia Renece, Black Woman Multi-Passionate Artist in Recovery, back to creative freedom.

Maker, dreamer, artist, performer, hobbyist, teacher, storyteller, or multi-passionate, we dive into holistic creativity and healing through the Black lens.

Through soul work, community, love letters, creative pep talks and nurturing conversations with Black creatives who are brave enough to share their stories of inspiration, triumph, joy, heartbreak and healing, we all become free.